Gates Limousin Ranch is a family owned and operated ranch located in the shadows of the Beartooth Mountains in southern Montana. The Gates Family has run a commercial cow/calf operation in Stillwater and Sweetgrass Counties of Montana for over 50 years. The ranch has used Limousin bulls since 1975.
In 2002, Mary brought the first registered female home to the ranch signaling the start of the seedstock portion of the operation. Since that time we have put together a solid registered herd to compliment the commercial females. With a focus to add genetics that look as good on paper as they do in the pasture, the Gates Limousin registered herd has experienced modest but guided growth.
As we continue to expand the registered herd, Gates Limousin Ranch has focused on producing bulls that will work for commercial cattlemen. In attempts to better serve the commercial market, Gates Limousin Ranch has also expanded its product line to include Lim-Flex ® cattle. If the bulls we raise aren’t good enough for use on our own commercial herd, we wouldn’t think about selling them to our customers. Gates Limousin Ranch is nothing without its customers, and we strive to provide the best customer service possible.